With 60 Hours of intensive Professional Coaching certification program, Coach Transformation Academy (CTA) aspires to transform aspiring professional life coaches, career coaches, executive coaches and business coaches’ and enable them hone the best in class coaching skills. Participants across the globe such as corporate executives, managers and educators join this professional coaching certification training course in Singapore to gain a deeper understanding of professional coaching skills and coaching processes. This training empowers coaches to become individuals armed with the confidence, skill, process, tools, and an ability to attract, please and maintain clients.
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Course Structure
This is an all inclusive instructional program conducted in workshop format. Our Professional coach certification training program focuses on getting our coaches clear and deep understanding of coaching skills with great amount of practice and help them build their coaching career successfully.
Professional Coach Certification training (ICF Level 1) is a 60 Hours coach training course which comprises of 2 elements; 4 days of Classroom training in a workshop format and 36 hours of post workshop online training.
Read below for the details of the Course –
Title of the Program: CTA Certified Professional Coach (CTA – CPC) (Level 1 Course)
General Program Vision and Goals: This program aims to train participants to learn the highest level of coaching skills and get equipped to apply them in their current profession and in their coaching business. At the end of the program, participants will be able to coach their clients effectively as certified professional coaches in Singapore, help your clients develop awareness and mindfulness, and foster a transformative change.
List of Classes / Modules/ Parts:
This coaching certification training course in Singapore is offered in two parts. It starts as 4 days classroom training followed by online sessions. Participants can also take this course as distance learning and undergo full course online.
There are 11 modules in this coaching certification training course and 2 optional modules, coaching specialization and business builder modules. There is 10 hours of mentoring during these sessions which is separate from 11 modules, mentoring is done as 7 hours of group mentoring and 3 hours of individual mentoring.
Following 11 modules are part of the curriculum and they are categorized as foundational, intermediate and advance module.
Foundational Level Modules –
- Coaching & Self Discovery
- Self & Coaching
Intermediate Level Modules –
- Hero’s Journey & ICF Coaching
- Coaching Goals & Agreements
- Communicate to Build Rapport Trust & Intimacy
- Mindfulness to Mindlessness
- Listening to Learn
- Door to Awareness
Advance Level Modules –
- Communication to Awareness
- Awareness of Awareness
- Actioning & Sustaining Awareness
4 days workshop will be based on learning the theory behind transformational coaching framework
We are strong believer of learning with right pace and duration. To ensure extensive post training support we complete the entire certification process of 60 hours by dedicating 38 hours in post classroom training learning and business module for coaches. Our coaches go through extensive coaching practice and reflective learning by dedicating almost 50% time in practicing and sharpening coaching skills.
Course Content
Professional coach certification training (ICF Level 1) consists of 11 modules completed in 60 Hours. 4 days’ workshop will consist of modules 1 to 4, modules 5 to 11 are conducted online including group coaching practice
Module 1 to 4 are covered in workshop. This workshop is unique in its approach as it uses a high standard instructional content with approach of engaging participants through interactions and discussions. The details of each module is given below:

Coaching process is both a science and an art, solid coaching fundamentals helps coaches to further advance the skills easily and take their coaching skills to the next level in much effective way.
This is the first module of professional coach training program and is part of foundation level. The learning objective of this module is to help participants understand definition of coaching, its processes, what coaching is not, application of coaching in multiple aspects of personal, professional & organizational development. & and how coaches need to evolve in the journey of becoming a professional coach.
After completing this module, you will be able to
- Define coaching and its differences from consulting, counseling, training and therapy
- Understand what is an ethical approach to coaching and setting guidelines
- Define and establish Coaching Agreement with clients
- Conduct pre-coaching discovery sessions with you clients
- Understand the success formula of coaching effectively, through transformational coaching model
- Understand process of certification
This is the second module of professional coach training program and is part of foundation level . The learning objective of this module is to help participants understand coaching at a more deeper level, ICF ethics of coaching practice, introduction of a model used in coaching, you will be introduced to ICF coaching competencies, coaching specializations and how can you make your career as a coach. You will also observe a coaching demo session with your coach trainer to understand application of your learning. You will also learn the ICF credentialing process so that you can make sure your responsibilities in the learning journey.
This module also focuses on building an effective relationship with client to gain their trust and have them open for deeper conversations to discover their real challenges
After completing this module, you will be able to
- Win your clients trust and build strong rapport as a coach
- Understand the real meaning of coaching presence
- Apply the dynamics of coaching relationship for faster results
- Understand how to set ground for mindset change in your clients
- Understand the science behind voice tone, visualizations, language structures
- Apply approaches of client engagement and motivation
This is the third module of professional coach training program and is part of intermediate level . Your transition to this module focuses on your transition as a coach and emphasizes on ICF Ethics & coaching standards. You will learn about coaching competencies & its expected and acceptable level of demonstration of coaching competencies in your coaching sessions.
This module also focuses on holding powerful conversations for supporting clients’ transformation to fulfill their vision into reality.
This is the fourth module of professional coach training program and is part of intermediate level . This module focuses on CC2, you will understand what is coaching agreement, and how are they integrated in your coaching practice, how are goals set & agreements are made before and during the coaching sessions and how are they followed up after coaching your client. There will be an observed coaching practice session to understand application of your learning and a detailed feedback will be provided to the coach.
This is the fifth module of professional coach training program and is part of intermediate level . This module focuses on CC3, you will understand what is trust and intimacy in a coaching relationship and what are its benefits and how to build that. You will be introduced to new models of communication and communication transactions that a human process while interacting with anyone, this will enable you to understand your client’s mindset and behavioral patterns and utilize them for building trust and intimacy as a professional coach. There will be an observed coaching practice session to understand application of your learning and a detailed feedback will be provided to the coach.
This is the sixth module of professional coach training program and is part of intermediate level . This module focuses on CC4, you will understand what is presence of a coach in a coaching relationship and how to build that and also what are your mental & emotional barriers in your own presence. You will be introduced to new model and its application in building this competency and improve your coaching skills to build your coaching presence and utilize them for becoming a professional coach. There will be an observed coaching practice session to understand application of your learning and a detailed feedback will be provided to the coach.
This is the seventh module of professional coach training program and is part of intermediate level . This module focuses on CC5, you will learn what is active listening in coaching process and how to listen beyond what has been said by the client. You will be introduced to a new model of conversation style to develop a deeper understanding of what all to listen and how to listen to the WHO of the client. You will be able to understand how to listen to what has not been said and listening to values, beliefs and attitude of the client. There will be an observed coaching practice session to understand application of your learning and a detailed feedback will be provided to the coach.
This is the eighth module of professional coach training program and is part of intermediate level . This module focuses on CC6, you will learn what is powerful questing in the in coaching process and what makes a question powerful in a coaching session. You will get a deeper understanding on how and what can make or break a coaching session by your questioning. And how to stay curios to the purpose of the session by the client. There will be an observed coaching practice session to understand application of your learning and a detailed feedback will be provided to the coach.
This is the ninth module of professional coach training program and is part of advance level . This module focuses on CC7, you will learn what is direct communication in coaching and how does translate in a coaching process. You will understand the importance of this competency and what may become a barrier in the application and development of this competency in your coaching practice. This competency is learnt and explored through coaching practice and ways to develop are explained after the practice coaching session. There will be an observed coaching practice session to understand application of your learning and a detailed feedback will be provided to the coach.
This is the tenth module of professional coach training program and is part of advance level . This module focuses on CC8, you will learn what is awareness and how does it translate in a coaching process. You will understand how to create awareness and help client to move forward, sustain that awareness and take it as a new journey. You will be introduced to a new model to understand of inner game of human emotions which blocks the human thinking and make them think of how they think about what they think. You will be given tips on how to explore that in your client and bring and identify an AHA MOMENT in the coaching session. There will be an observed coaching practice session to understand application of your learning and a detailed feedback will be provided to the coach.
This is the eleventh and last module of professional coach training program and is part of advance level . This module focuses on CC9, 10 & 11, you will learn how to take awareness to actions, planning and managing progress. You will be able to create accountability ability to develop decision making ability in the client and also be able to hold a positive conversations confronting the client if agreed actions are not taken. There will be an observed coaching practice session to understand application of your learning and a detailed feedback will be provided to the coach.
During these modules there will be 10 hours of mentoring and after completing all the above modules with mentoring, you will achieve your designation of Coach Transformation Academy’s “Certified Professional Coach” in Singapore.
Other Important information about the course –
Number of hours of student contact time: The program is designed for 60 hours of learning; 48 hours are face to face and must be completed in live training and 12 hours are for assignments and other non-instructor led learning engagements. The 10 hours mentor coaching, coaching specialization, and business builder modules are not included in these learning hours.
Learning goals: The goal of the program is to ensure participants learn professional coaching skills and are competent in the core coaching competencies for coaching at their workplace or as a coach in any niche they chose.
Coaching philosophy: Our coaching philosophy draws from transformational coaching psychology. Best practices in life coaching, executive coaching, career coaching and business coaching. Our program is learner engaging and practical in nature. All course material is designed basis adult learning principals and psychology.
Lead Instructions: ICF Credentialed ACC, PCC or MCC Coach with CTA Coaching Skills Trainer Certification.
Dates and Locations: Our program is conducted at various locations on different dates in multiple countries. Click here to check our calendar or contact us to know dates in your location. You can also join this course online. Click here to check online course dates.
Course Language: English.
Mode of Delivery: Classroom and Virtual Online (Face to Face)
Intended participants: Any one who wish to learn coaching skills to apply in current profession/business. Coaches who want to establish their coaching business.
Course Prerequisite: There is no pre-requisite for this program, however we wish speak to you by phone to confirm a fit with your goals and interest.
Policies on payment of tuition fees, withdrawals and refunds: We offer a discount for upfront payments, corporate group and learners who have their group to register to a class and we offer installment payments. Certification and use of our proprietary content is contingent on payment in full. We want our learners to be committed and serious before they register for our program and therefore we do not offer refunds once payment is made by you. However, you can use your payment for future programs with a rescheduling fee of $250. During the course If you miss any 4 classes, your admission will be suspended, you can get your classes reinstated with a reinstatement fee of $250 and we will reschedule your classes.