ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) Certification Coaching Programs
Attend the Best ICF PCC ACTP Certificate Programs
PCC stands for Professional Certified Coach, this is the second level Professional Coach Certification by ICF. Coach Transformation Academy (CTA) conducts Advanced Professional Coach Training for PCC Level in two formats as Classroom Workshops and Online Training Programs, which fulfills ICF – PCC Level Coaching Certification requirements of the number of coaching training, mentoring and coaching experience. Once you complete the ICF – PCC Level Coaching Training with CTA you can apply directly with ICF to get your ICF – PCC certificate.
ICF – PCC Coaching Certification with CTA is designed to advance and master the skill of coaching in our coaches. All our coaches enjoy their transition as a coach so much that most of them take their coaching to next level by undergoing ICF – PCC Advanced Coach Training Program with CTA, ICF PCC Coach credential is highly recognized coaching certification for Coaches across the globe. Our ICF PCC level Advanced Coach Training Program is accredited for 145 Hours of Coach Training program with ICF under ACTP Pathway. Let’s understand the requirements of ICF for PCC Level Coaches.
ICF requires following to be eligible for PCC Credentialing –
- 125 hours of coaching training – CTA’s Advanced Professional Coach Training Program is accredited for 145 hours by ICF
- 10 hours of mentor coaching with CTA (3 hours one on one and 7 hours can be group mentoring)
- 500 hours of coaching experience
- Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA) (CTA prepares you to appear in the CKA)
Coach Transformation Academy is the global market leader of Advance Coach Training Programs and our Advanced Professional Coach Training for PCC Coaches is highly regarded as a transformational coaching program which makes coaching skills of our coaches become much deeper making them master the art and science of coaching. With our Advanced Coach Training Program to become PCC Coach you not just master the coaching skills but also creates impacts on how your clients see change in you and in them through your coaching mastery.
Coach Transformation Academy trains approximately 300 coaches each year across the globe completing their Advanced Professional Coach Certification training for ICF PCC level. This course is highly beneficial for practicing Life Coaches, Career Coaches, Executive Coaches, Business Coaches, , Corporate leadership teams, HR heads and other senior and top management professionals. Upon completion of Advance coaching certification training course, you will learn to engage with clients and teams at a much more deeper level to bring innermost shift and transformation in them.
ICF – PCC Coach Training program of CTA is conducted in classroom workshops and via online platform. Most of our coaches join online as they get higher exposure of interaction with coaches across the globe and become part of our global coach community which benefits them with the exposure of engaging with coaches with varied experience and niches and learn from each other coaching style as well.
Join our ICF – PCC Level Advanced Coach Training program to master coaching skills and advance your career and business opportunities.
Click here to read more about CTA’s ICF PCC Level Advanced Professional Coaching Training Program.
Click here to see the details of Online Professional Coach Training.
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