ICF Approved Mentor Coaching Certification Training Program in Singapore
Transforming Your Live with 10.5 Hours of Mentor Coaching
Mentor Coaching is an important requirement of the ICF credentialing process and it forms an integral part of all Coach Transformation Academy’s coaching training programs. Mentor coaching at CTA is designed in compliance with the ICF’s definition and guideline of mentor coaching which requires requires coaches to complete minimum of 10 hours of mentor coaching out of which 7 hours can be group mentor coaching and 3 hours of individual one on one mentor coaching.
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What is mentor coaching?
Mentor coaching is a process where coaches review and strengthen their coaching skills, work towards ICF’s professional accreditation and work on your own personal and professional development with the aim to transform themselves and others.
CTA’s Mentor Coach Training
CTA’s Mentor Coaching program is vital to your development and growth if seeking an ICF Credential and core coaching competencies. The course has been designed specifically for Coaches who want to transform lives. This course includes rigorous practice of ICF core coaching competencies which help you in mastering the coaching process and accelerate your learning. CTA’s mentor coaching course includes 10.5 hours of mentor coaching. The mentor coaching consists of 5 sessions of 90 minutes towards group mentor coaching and 3 sessions of 60 minutes for individual mentor coaching.
To book your Mentor Coaching for ICF credentialing or to discuss how we can support the specific training and mentoring needs of your organization, please fill the contact form below or directly email info@coachtransformation.com.